Viewing Archilogic Data in Power BI

This knowledge base article shows you the necessary steps you need to take to view Archilogic data in Power BI


Before diving into how you can view Archilogic Data in Power BI there are 2 steps that you need to take first.

  • Download the .pbix files that Archilogic has prepared. These files contain placeholder data that can then be replaced with your own Archilogic data later.
    You can download the file here (Please feel free to reach out to if you encounter issues accessing these files):
    1. Portfolio Summary v1.0.0
      This dashboard gives you an overview of all the floor plans in your Archilogic account.
    2. Compare floor plans v1.0.0
      With this dashboard you can compare various different floor plans within your Archilogic account and highlight the differences.
  • Create an Archilogic access token so that Power BI can pull the required data directly through the API.
    1. First, log into your Archilogic dashboard using your email address and your password.
    2. Then click the circular button in the top right corner of the dashboard and select Organization settings from the drop-down menu.
    3. In the Organization settings select Access Token from the menu on the left side of the window.
    4. In the Access Token menu click the blue Create token button to create a new access token.
    5. In the token creation menu make sure that the type is set to Publishable.
      Then give your new access token a name. We recommend using something like “powerbi” so that it’s easier to recognize in the future but any name works.
      Type the following into the Allowed domains field: *

      Finally, tick all the checkboxes in the Scopes section and click the blue button at the bottom once you’re done.
    6. You now have an Archilogic access token ready for later usage.

Setting up Power BI

Archilogic offers two different dashboard files for Power BI. 

Do the following steps for each of the two .pbix files separately!

However, you don’t need to create two different Access Tokens in Archilogic as it can be used for both dashboards.

Once you have downloaded the .pbix file and have created an Archilogic access token we can continue setting up Power BI so that it displays the Archilogic data.

To do so first open and login with your credentials.

Open the Workspaces section which you can find in the left sidebar.

Then Select My workspace from the menu.

Premium Power BI users can select any workspace available to them.

Open the Upload dropdown menu and select Browse.

The upload window will open. Select the .pbix file that you downloaded to your computer before and click Open.

After uploading the .pbix file, Power BI will automatically create a semantic model and generate a report (dashboard) based on the data within the file.

Move your mouse cursor over the semantic model and left-click the Schedule Refresh button.

Ensure you are clicking the Schedule Refresh button of the semantic model, and not the one of the Report.

After clicking the Schedule refresh button a new page will open with several options related to the refresh settings.

Open the Gateway and cloud connections section and ensure that Gateway Connections option is turned off.

Then scroll down and open the Data source credentials section. Left-click "Edit Credentials," and ensure the data source credentials are correctly configured as shown in the image below.

Once the credentials are configured, click Sign In.

Scroll down and open the Parameters section.

Open the Archilogic Dashboard in a separate browser tab, open the Access token menu, and copy the key of the access token that you created earlier.

Return to Power BI, paste the Access Token into the Publishable token field, and left-click the  Apply button.

Return to My Workspace by left-clicking My Workspace in the left corner of the top menu bar.

Then left-click the Refresh button of the semantic model.

After the refresh is complete, open the Report and then left-click the Refresh Visuals button in the top right corner of the window.

Once the dashboard is refreshed, it displays the latest data retrieved directly from your Archilogic account.

Please note that the dashboard does not refresh automatically!
Users will need to refresh the visuals manually each time they use the dashboard to view the latest data.